Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Climate Change Effect on Polar Bears

Climate Change Effects on Artic Polar Bears Kenneth Halvorsen COM/156 09/30/2012 Jocelyn Henson Climate Change Effects on Artic Polar Bears Climate warming and ecological changes have caused a significant threat to the declining population of polar bears in the Arctic which is affecting human habitats Polar bears, the largest of the terrestrial carnivores, live on the Arctic ice for the majority of the year. The icy habitat allows polar bears to hunt for their primary prey – seals. The powerful species’s survival completely depends on their ability to use ice for feeding and breeding.Some of the highest degrees of global warming effects have been on the polar regions of the world. Scientists around the globe are in agreement that such effects of greenhouse gases produced mainly through human induced emissions have resulted in an increase of the earth’s surface temperature. The continued denial concerning global warming could result in the complete polar bear exti nction. Unquestionably, the beautiful species’s future depends on the protection of the arctic environment: its pollution levels, indigenous peoples hunt and total loss of ice.So, what should be done, if anything, to save the polar bear habitat? To begin analyzing the issue, let’s first discuss some of the delicate specifics of polar bear habitat and environment requirements which are critical for survival. Polar bears, as the largest of the bear family, must sustain enough food and accumulate enough body fat to keep those alive during the ice free period. They need to consume at least five pounds of seal blubber per day to stay healthy. Also, as they are the largest land predator in the world, bears live on the ice in locations where it is viable to hunt for seals which are their primary prey.Yet, they will also hunt Artic fox. They have been known to eat birds, reindeer, rodents, fish, or even the carcass of a dead whale. Strong swimmers, the bears roam over the vast expanses of sea ice while paddling with their front legs and using their rear legs as a ruder hunting for ringed seals, bearded seal, and occasionally beluga whales and even walrus. Polar bears have no natural predator and have no fear of man which makes things dangerous for both. There are few animals that will attack a man unprovoked yet, the polar bear is one that will actually hunt down humans and eat them.The problem begins where studies show that climate warming is creating a much shorter duration of time for sea ice and, therefore, is extending a later freezing in fall as well as early ice break-ups during summer. These changing conditions have shown seal depletion and a decline in the polar bears population. The average annual extend of ice has exceeded 1 million square kilometers. With over 40 percent decrease within the past 30 years of the ice coverage the population of polar bears has been substantially threatened (U. S. Fish and Wildlife Services, 2008).This and other climate change factors have affected the species’s food supply chain. Polar bears population growth in general is extremely slow and fluctuates in response to natural factors, the major one of which is their prey ability. The bears need to maintain a high level of body fat, especially for the females in order to have healthy cubs. Nutritionally stressed, the mothers are being greatly affected by the rising sea levels in the marine regions with the most pronounced temperature increases. An increase in polar bear sightings have been reported near human settlements during the open water period in recent years.For example, Inuit hunters have reported an increase in bear population because of an increase in sightings near their villages. This has led to more hunting tags issued. Such observations are misleading and the increased sightings should be related to the fact that the bears are seeking an alternative food source. Additionally, offshore drilling for oil and shipping have t hreatened polar bears status. Years of data from satellite imagery as far back as 1970 shows a decrease in population and poor body conditions surrounding the populations of bears near Western Hudson Bay and Baffin Bay.These two populations are more likely decreasing and not increasing. As these populations decrease the continued problematic interaction with man will most likely continue and could very well increase, as the bears seek alternative food sources through the extended summer months (Stirling, Parkinson, Sep. , 2006). Scientists have very specific ways of tracking the earth’s temperature. The world’s temperature is constantly monitored from land-based weather stations and ocean buoys. They also use tree rings, coral reefs, and ice cores. The evidence shows the earth’s temperature is increasing.Three main source possibilities could be responsible for the increase in global warming: the sun, the earth’s reflectivity, and greenhouse gases. All thr ee have been studied carefully, and the only one that matches up to the data is levels of greenhouse gases. The more fossil fuels we burn the higher levels of greenhouse gases (Environmental Defense Fund, 2012). The polar bears’ survival completely depends on their ability to use ice for hunting, and some of the highest degree of global warming effects has been on the polar regions of the world.Fortunately, with technological advancements researchers are now able to follow individual bears over a long period of time and collect valuable data on the species’s habitat concerns. The greater understanding of population trends and dynamics allows scientists worldwide to provide critically important data that will further assist in environmental management decision. â€Å"Studies show a significant decrease in polar bear populations from 1984 through 2004 near the western coast of Hudson Bay and in the community of Churchill, Manitoba, Canada† (Regehr, 2010).The level of human presence and recent commercial activities in the Artic, such as oil spills and contaminants, shipping and hunting have exposed polar bear population to higher risks and, as a consequence, have increased this species’s habitat food stress. Now, as much as one-third of the world’s polar bears are facing extinction. Interestingly enough, multiple social groups believe that there is no reason for panic and some of the data used in polar bear population decrease is false. The controversial opinions are opposing to the entire fact of global warming and climate change with explanation of political tricks on consumers.Additionally, a large number of scientists and distinguished engineers disagree with the fact that an immediate and drastic action is needed to protect polar bear species’s survival and control of global warming impacts. Environmental campaigners suffered a major blow in 2009 when emails stolen from computers at the University of East Anglia were leaked and were hailed by critics as evidence of scientists attempting to suppress evidence that contradicted the idea of man-made climate change. An inquiry into the scandal failed to find any evidence of malpractice by the scientists and a review of the science also ound it to be sound, although the findings were met with claims of bias from skeptics. â€Å"The science has become stronger and stronger over the past five years while the public perception has gone in completely the other direction (Gray, 2012). â€Å"A recent BBC poll found that 25% of British adults did not think global warming was happening† (Gray, 16. 2012). Nevertheless, polar bears have been listed as threatened by the U. S. Federal Government, Department of Fish and Wildlife Service in May 2008). Accordingly, one of the highlights in mitigation measures and species habitat preservation was a formation of PBSG membership.In 1973 The International Organization called Polar Bear Specialist Group has nego tiated and executed an Agreement of the Conservation of Polar Bears. (IUCN Species Survival Group, 2012). The meetings are held in Greenland every 3 to 5 years with the emphases on advancing the principles of the Agreement. As a result of the recently conducted series of meetings in June 2001 a working group has been assigned and funded to expend the knowledge on the essential life functions of polar bears and other marine animals.Such evaluation of the species’s immune and hormonal systems would significantly improve the continued efforts of humanity in preserving the Artic environment. These and many other initiatives remain to be under development status. However, the progress is being noticed and is pleasantly acknowledged. Multi-discipline mitigation measures must be addressed by the upcoming generation of human policy makers. Among multiple models of polar bear population and habitat features one can clearly notice an inevitable and non-reversible threat to important sp ecie of the world’s largest bear.Therefore, understanding of the climate change and a greater precision in making management decision must remain being a worldwide concern. Neither the five countries of PBSG membership bound by a 1973 treaty discussed above no the American Environmental Protection groups themselves would succeed with this uneasy task of polar bear habitat preservation without a worldwide cooperation. References Ellis, R. (2009). On thin ice: The changing world of the polar bear. Knopf. Environmental Defense Fund (2012). Climate Change Impacts. Retrieved from: http://www. edf. org/climate/climate-change-impactsIUCN Species Survival Group (2012). IUCN/SSC Polar Bear Specialist Group. Retrieved from pbsg. npolar. no Gray, R. (2012, October). Climate Scientists Are Losing The Public Debate on Global Warming. The Telegraph. Retrieved from: www. telegraph. co. uk Kuhn, M. (2010). Climate Change and The Polar Bear: Is The Endangered Species Act Up To The Taks? Alask a Law Review, Vol 7. , Issue 1, p. 125-150, 26p. National Geographic Society (2012). Polar Bear Ursus maritimus. Retrieved from: http://animals. nationalgeographic. com/animals/mammals/polar-bear Peacock, E. , Derocher, A. E. , Thiemann, G. W. , Stirling, I. (2011).Conservation and Management of Canada’s Polar Bears (Ursus maritimus) In A Changing Artic. Canadian Journal of Zoology. Regehr, E. V. , S. C. Amstrup, and I. Stirling (2006). Polar bear population status in the southern Beaufort Sea. U. S. Geological Survey, Alaska Science Center, Anchorage, Alaska. USGS Open-File Report 2006-1337. 20 pp. Regehr, E. V. (2010). Climate Change threatens polar bear populations. Ecological Society of America. Stirling, I. , Parkinson, C. L. (2006). Possible Effects of Climate Warming on Selected Populations of Polar Bears (Ursus maritimus) in the Canadian Arctic. Artic Vol 59, No. 3, p. 261-275.

Interview with a Doctor

The current American healthcare system and its problems The interview is with Dr. John Tomas who is a surgeon in New Jersey. Dr. Tomas has been practicing medicine for over twenty years so he has a lot of experience in the medical field. Dr. Tomas deals with plenty of people who are from the middle and lower class. Those people are so concerned about the costs of the healthcare bills and they have a lot of trouble handling these costs.. The healthcare discussion should also be seen from a doctor’s perspective and that is why this interview is valuable Dr.Tomas has also a lot of knowledge about the politics of the healthcare system in the United States. He has a personal view of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act which is another term for Obama care. 1- What is your view of current American healthcare system? The current American healthcare system has a major problem which is the cost. The cost for the American healthcare system is 2. 5 trillion dollars per year whi ch is much higher than any other industrialized country in the world. The medical expenses on every citizen are $7,960.Other industrialized countries spent average of $3,233 annually per person which is much lower and these people from other countries get more medical valuable care. 41 percent of working Americans have problem with paying their medical bills. Taxpayers don’t receive the service that they actually pay for and a lot of people go easily bankrupt because they can’t afford to pay their medical bills. The American government covers 46 percent of these expenses and that is one of the reasons why we are in a huge debt and it is another factor for the major economic crisis in the United States. -what are the current major problems with the current American healthcare system? I think there are too many regulations in the current American health care system. There are also a lot of politicians and lawyer that get involved in the medical field. When these factors get involved, the insurance costs get higher and the medical expenses become very expensive. Practicing medicine is not pleasurable to me personally anymore because I am afraid to get sued and lose my insurance. All these outer factors that get involved in our field make practicing the profession of medicine much tougher for doctors. -Do you think defensive medicine is good or bad for the American healthcare system? In the United States we have a major problem with regulations that are involved in the medical field. In the United States, doctors have to do a lot of tests and plenty of consultations with other physicians before performing any operation. The reason for that is because the doctors are afraid of the lawsuits that could cause them losing their insurance or even their license. American doctors follow the defensive medicine by doing a lot of unnecessary tests that significantly increase the costs of healthcare.In other countries where there are not too many regulation†™s in the medical field, doctors in other countries do the operations with the same outcomes but in much lower costs. This is obviously an issue and it has its advantages and its disadvantages but the American defensive medicine system is much safer and the foreign medicine system is much cheaper. 4-Do you think that Obama care will lower the costs for the current healthcare system? I don’t think so because when government gets involved in any filed, the cost usually get much higher.Obama care will cost $1. 165 trillion dollars over the next ten years. The government hasn’t been very successful with Medicare or Medicaid which proves my point. The healthcare should stay as a private business that is managed by private healthcare companies. If the government takes over the healthcare system, the country will spend a massive amount of money and the quality of the care will be lowered significantly. 5-Do you think that Americans could have a better healthcare system if t hey follow the socialized healthcare system of Canada and Europe?And what are your solutions for the problems that we have with our healthcare system. I have been to Canada and Europe. I also have a lot of friends who are physicians in these countries. They don’t like what they have there. Patients could wait six months to get an operation in Canada. There are risings costs of medications in Canada and Europe. Those increasing of the cost of the medications make it harder for people to get a good care under the socialized healthcare system. A lot of Europeans countries are going bankrupt eventually and the socialized healthcare system is one of the reasons of that.The solution to our healthcare problem is not going backwards by following a socialized healthcare system. The solution comes with creating more competition between healthcare companies that take advantage of the American people. Even though we had a recession in the last few years, the profit of the insurance compa nies has been increased by 56 percent. Creating the competition between those insurance companies will definitely lower the costs and the medical bills that have been a heavy weight over the shoulders of the American pope.The healthcare discussion is very important because unlike fancy cars or fancy clothes, everybody needs to have healthcare. Plenty of Americans are suffering every day because they don’t have the money to cover the expenses of their medical bills. People go bankrupt because of these expensive costs and that is rare in any other industrialized country. The reason why the cost is too expensive in this country is because there are too many regulations, politics, lobbyists, lawyers and unfairness in our healthcare system.Obamacare could be another disaster for our healthcare system because it is going to raise the costs of the healthcare system and our economy is already in a very bad shape. The most practical solution to our healthcare system is to create a fai r competition between healthcare companies which will significantly lower the costs of the current healthcare system. If I have a second chance to do a second interview, I will also discus the medicine field with the person that I am having interview with because the topic is very interesting.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Christian religion Essay

A crucifix is not a mere cross, but a representation of Jesus’ body or corpus. Thus, the latin term corpus christi. Whereas, a cross is a geometrical figure consisting of two lines or bars perpendicular to each other, dividing one or two of the lines in half. The crucifix is crucial to the Christians because it’s the principal symbol of the Christian religion. It is primarily used in the Catholic, Anglican, Lutheran and Eastern Orthodox Churches and emphasizes Christ’s sacrifice which is his death by crucifixion. Prayer in front of a crucifix is often part of devotion for Christians, especially those worshipping in a church, and private devotion in a chapel. The person may sit, stand, or kneel in front of the crucifix, sometimes looking at it in contemplation, or merely in front of it with head bowed or eyes closed. In the Catholic Mass, and Anglican Holy Eucharist, a procession begins Mass in which a crucifix is carried forward into the church followed by lector and servers, the priest, deacon, along with some of the other items used in the service such as the Gospels and the altar candles. The crucifix is also one of the most effective means of averting or opposing demons, as stated by many exorcists, including the famous exorcist of the Vatican, Father Gabriele Amorth. In folklore, it is considered to ward off vampires, incubus and succubus. â€Å"I never witnessed nor even heard about an exorcism without a crucifix, though several students in eighth and ninth grades were prime candidates for such a ritual. †(Gabriel Amorth) Anglican, Roman Catholic, Orthodox, Coptic, and confessional Lutheran Christians generally use the crucifix in public religious services. The standard, four-pointed Latin crucifix consists of an upright stand and a crosspiece to which the sufferer’s arms were nailed. The Eastern Christian crucifix includes two additional crossbars: the shorter nameplate, to which INRI was affixed; and the shorter stipes, to which the feet were nailed, which is angled upward toward penitent thief St. Dismas and downward toward impenitent thief Gestas. It is thus eight-pointed. The corpora of Eastern Orthodox crucifixes tend to be two-dimensional icons that show Jesus as already dead, as opposed to the depictions of the still-suffering Jesus that can be found in some other Churches. They believe the crucifix is in keeping with Scripture, which states that â€Å"We preach Christ crucified, unto the Jews a stumbling block, and unto the Greeks foolishness. †(Rudolph Koch) . Citations: Old Christian Symbols, Rudolf Koch Tree of Jesse Directory, Malcolm Low Crucifix Lane, Kate Mosse Wellness Exorcism, Donald Ardell Jewish Encyclopedia, Kaufmann Kohler

Monday, July 29, 2019

History - Imperialism on Trial Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

History - Imperialism on Trial - Essay Example They even introduce diseases foreign to the natives to cure of - and, of course, to profit from. Crosby wrote the second and third stanzas of the poem to show the introduction of the American economic and legal system in the Philippine culture aimed to exploit their talents and resources for America's gain. At that time, the establishment of factories and stores has taught Filipinos the inclusion of market economy system in their culture. Under this system, Americans involved in the conquest introduced the virtue of industry and hard work to take advantage of the Filipino's productivity and the value of legal and penal system to justify their greed and hunger for power. Perhaps the Americans had been deeply ashamed for their political and military might that they took advantage of other countries to salvage their dignity, according to Crosby. The severity of the political frauds that mess the United States are being reflected in the poem's third stanza. The American ship Maine has been toppled down by the Spaniards because of their defective vigilance.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Brazil as an emerging market Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Brazil as an emerging market - Assignment Example Emerging markets have their own challenges and opportunities that make them both cautious and viable as the future of the world’s economic powerhouse (Frenkel, 2009). Generally, there are general characteristics that can be associated with as many emerging markets as possible. However, not all emerging markets of the world can be described in exactly the same manner. In most cases, there are leading factors to the determination of the specific characteristics that a given emerging market would possess. Commonest among these factors are the market’s history and its evolutional processes (He, 2009). The nature of changes experienced as part of the history and evolution of the emerging market’s formation goes a long way to determine the rate of growth and development that may be generally associated with the market. In this paper, Brazil is used as a case study for emerging markets to critically assess the market in terms of its history and evolution. Consequently, some of the rapid and pragmatic changes that have been experienced as part of this history shall be outlined, making a case for each change as either being positive or negative for the market’s future fortunes. The approach of the writer is pivoted on a perception that the various emerging markets recognized by global development agencies such as the World Bank and International Monetary Fund are in constant competition with each other and so it is important that each of these markets develop its history to be a competitive advantage for winning competitive global market battles. Brief analysis of Brazil’s market history and evolution Brazil as an emerging market possesses a history that is rooted in the preference for robust domestic activity as against export demands. This is because for several years running, the market has recorded slow growth in exports as against the contributions that local market activities make to the country’s gross domestic product (H e, 2009). There is also a history rapid growth in the private sector as against the public sector. This is because most of the government’s economic principles are based on microeconomic principles, making business and investment more lucrative for local private entrepreneurs as against foreign investors who would prefer economies structured on macroeconomic competences (Todea, 2011). What is more, there is a long standing history in the dependence on specific sectors of the economy as against others. Examples of these sectors that receive dominant attention are agricultural sector, which is responsible for 39.4% of Brazil’s GDP and the mining sector, which makes 18.6% of GDP (Galai, 2007). Finally, there is generally unstable to high bank interest rate; a phenomenon that makes foreign investment less lucrative. Brazil GDP Growth Rate, 2008 to 2012 Source: Trading Economics (2013) Significant characteristics of the market, its evolution, and changes Young and Growing L abor Population Right from the history of the country when the first population census was held after colonization in 1872, Brazil has kept a very high population growth rate of 2.4% per annum (Crowder and Phengpis, 2005). This puts the current population of the country at 190 million people. Characteristically, a very high number of these people, made up of 79.8% of the population live in Southeastern region alone (Frenkel, 2009). This trend of single region dominated population has not changed with changing evolution of this emerging market. However, one phenomenon that has changed with time is the fact that there is currently a very young population margin, meaning greater percentage of the population is youth. What is positive about the young and growing labor population of the emerging market is that the large size of the population has been seen by government as an asset rather than a liability, expanding the human capital of these people to take up the labor force. It is howe ver negative if the trend of

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Holism as a nurse educator Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Holism as a nurse educator - Essay Example As a nurse educator, it is essential that students are given greater access to ideas mostly taught in the class, such as the process of caring, communicating, having professionalism, and other traits since these would be considered as the main core values when dealing with actual patients in various medical settings. Thus, if a nurse education is not able to give a kind of multi-perspective or holistic kind of teaching to students, they may not be able to learn the core values they will need in order to become successful and effective in their profession (Utley, 2011). In giving students a chance to learn the fundamentals of nursing through multiple perspectives, it is essential that the instructors themselves are able to handle this need by having the traits effective and holistic nurse educators have. For this purpose, the National League for Nursing (NLN) released a guide which lists the eight core competencies that are needed from nurse educators in assuring that they will have students which embody the traits of holism in their careers. These eight competencies are the following: 1. Facilitates learning (e.g. uses learning styles and strategies appropriate for students’ skills and abilities); 2. Facilitates learner development and socialization (e.g. encourages students to learn more and to be updated in new technologies and information); 3. Use assessment and evaluation strategies (e.g. guides students in making their goals, and provides them with prompt feedback on their progress); 4. Participate in curriculum design and evaluation o f project outcomes (e.g. uses assessment outcomes to check whether the curriculum can still be improved); 5. Function as change agent and leader (e.g. encourages students to become innovative); 6. Pursue continuous quality improvement in the nurse educator role (e.g. teacher shows a commitment for continuous learning); 7. Engage in scholarship (e.g. uses up-to-date methods to improve teaching

Friday, July 26, 2019

Phase 1 - Concepts and terminology of statistics applied to business Essay

Phase 1 - Concepts and terminology of statistics applied to business decision-making 4-13 - Essay Example For this, it is necessary to collect both nominal and ordinal data. â€Å"Nominal data are categorical data where the order of the categories is arbitrary. A good example is race/ethnicity has values 1=White, 2=Hispanic, 3=American Indian, 4=Black, 5=other. Note that the order of the categories is arbitrary.† (Stats Definitions-Nominal data). Certain statistical concepts are meaningless for nominal data. â€Å"The data related to gender, race, religious affiliation, political affiliation etc; are the examples for Nominal data. In a more general form the data assigned with labels or names are considered as the data in Nominal scale.† (Peddinti, Sairam. 2006). In the nominal type of measurement, names are assigned to objects as labels. This assignment is performed by evaluating, by some procedure, the similarity of the labels are to be measured instance to each of a set of named exemplars or category definitions.In ordinal measurement, numbers are assigned to the objects that represents the rank order to measure the entity. These numbers are called ordinals and the variables are called ordinal variables.. Scales and indexes have to be validated. Internal validation checks the relation between the individual measures included in the scale, and the composite scale itself. External validation checks the relation between the composite scale and other indicators of the variable, indicators not included in the scale.Scientists can taken in to consideration the two quantitative attributes in relation to snack food are-to give stress on customers’ desires, taste, needs and wants and by observing and recording the stated goals or objectives of the responsible implementing agency or organisation or its curresponding consumers. Usage of widely different frequencies are most common in this regard. The population is the entire group of individuals that we want information about and the sample is the part of

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Aviation Human Factors Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Aviation Human Factors - Case Study Example It is designed to be fixed on all aircrafts with a maximum take-off weight of over 5,700 kg or those authorized to carry above nineteen passengers. The implementation of Traffic Collision Avoidance System added a safety barrier in preventing mid-air collisions (Dumitrache, 2013). The innovation was made after the Grand Canyon mid-air collision that occurred in 1956 and led spurred aviation authorities into action. In the accident, a United Airlines Douglas DC-7 hit a Trans World Airlines Lockheed L-1049 Super Constellation and killing all the 128 passengers on board both flights. The innovation still required further study, training, refinements and regulatory measures because of the limitations of the Traffic Collision Avoidance System. Furthermore, misuse of the same innovation resulted in other fatal incidents and accidents. Inadequate training and poor coordination among pilots has led to low effectiveness of the Traffic Collision Avoidance System. For instance, the Uberlingen mid-air collision has been blamed on The Tupelov pilot’s failure to follow their TCAS RA and the Boeing pilot’s failure to follow the ATC instruction (Wickens, 1998). The problem presents an important gap that can only be bridged by more training and more refinements coupled with improved research. Advantages. Using Air Traffic Control is particularly resourceful in aiding the decision of the pilot and the direction of the aircraft’s maneuver. According to Wickens (1998) it allows the pilot to make the most logical decision using the two guidelines. Disadvantages. Pilots are expected to respond to the RA immediately unless that action would jeopardize the safety of the flight. This rule means that pilots can maneuver against ATC instructions or disregard the instructions altogether (Dumitrache, 2013). Furthermore, the ATC instructions could be contradictory to the

Is Assuming the Role of Citizen Journalist Worth the Risk Essay

Is Assuming the Role of Citizen Journalist Worth the Risk - Essay Example This facility of communicating information on various events has been made possible for the people, by the Internet. Before the invention of the internet, professional reporters used to be the only ones reporting information on current events. But the Internet and other forms of media, has allowed regular citizens to do the same. (Tony Rogers).  Citizen journalism, as far as blogging and writing different articles is concerned, does not seem to hurt anyone and only portrays the freedom of speech that has been granted to the people. But making videos of incidents such as a fire or a car crash can be pretty dangerous. Some people involved in such accidents seem more concerned with recording the event in any way than to get to safety or helping other to reach a safe point. For example, such an event took place when there was some problem with an airplane and an emergency landing had to be done. A passenger on the airplane named Eddie Ho was caught taking pictures and making a video of the emergency evacuation being done by the airport authorities. His actions did not please the authorities at all, and he was reprimanded by the chairman of the National Transportation Safety Board, that his job was to get out of the plane safely and help others in evacuating as quickly as possible. During such events, amateur reporting or making videos is not praised but criticized. At the same time, when the investigators acknowledged the pictures taken by Eddie, saying that they could be valuable during the inquiry, they also stated that even pausing for a minute during such situations can be detrimental for the person himself and the other people. They recommend that the wisest thing to do is for the people to get to safety and not worry about taking pictures or videos, which might or might not be helpful.  

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Corporate Social Responsibility of Qantas Airline Case Study

Corporate Social Responsibility of Qantas Airline - Case Study Example This research tells that Corporate Social Responsibility aligns the corporate actions and activities to the government law and ensure the business model is ethical. The goal of Corporate Social Responsibility is to embrace responsibility for the company's actions and to encourage the positive impacts through its activities on the environment, consumers, employees, communities, and stakeholders. This report will analyze the implemented CSR policies of Qantas Airways and assess their effectiveness to determine whether the practice has helped the organization in achieving its goals and objective. According to Qantas Airway Limited Website, Qantas was established in 1920by Paul McGuiness, Hudson Fysh, Fergus McMaster and Arthur Baird. After almost 91 years of growing and developing, Qantas nowadays is widely regarded as the world's leading long distance airline and one of the strongest brands in Australia. It employs approximately 32,500 employees and offers services across a network spa nning 182 destinations over 44 countries. The main business of Qantas is the transportation of passengers, with two main brands, Qantas and Jetstar; operate the total passenger fleet of 252 aircraft. For the full year ended 30 June 2010, Qantas reported underlying profit before tax of $377 million. Net Profits after tax was $116 million. In Qantas, there is a corporate governance framework that works under the Safety, Health, and Environment Security Committee (SESC). This is a board of oversight that was introduced in 1994 is found at Currently, the board has six members with each having his or her rank. There is the chief executive officer of the board and five independent non-executive officers. The board has laid down a charter that is available on their website. The charter talks more of their objectives, visions, and missions. The SESC has its objectives that are all aimed at assisting the board in performance; the SESC also assists the board on issues concerning s afety, health, security matters, and the environment. They aim at making the working environment to be conducive to working. The SESC also deals with risk management, which in any business, is one of the areas that require a lot of concentration. A good process of risk management should be laid down and then implemented to point. Apart from the working of the audit committee, SESC also works in a way to ensure that there are credibility and transparency. SESC holds meetings regularly from where it sets objectives of achieving the latter objectives and there are some qualifications that members of SESC must meet before joining. All this is meant to ensure that the performance of SESC is done to perfection, and with practiced ease.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Apple Marketing Strategy analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Apple Marketing Strategy analysis - Essay Example The firm that is analyzed in the paper is Apple red as giant in the consumer electronics market and its products are considered as one of the most successful and hot selling items. From a mediocre organization to the best firm in the industry, Apple has made tremendous progress in terms of product innovation and service delivery. It started as a computer manufacturing and selling firm however, it has now transformed itself into a consumer electronics manufacturing firm with product range as wide as TVs, MP3 Players, Smartphones and Tablet Computers. Apple started as Apple Computers Inc during 1977 however, Apple rolled out its first personal computer during 1976. Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak started the company with an aim to manufacture and sell personal computers. As a result of this effort, Apple-1 was introduced during 1976 and Apple afterward continued to build upon its technical superiority and was able to expand its overall range of products. Over the period of time, Apple rem ained under the control of different CEOs however; its glory and success came under the leadership of Steve Jobs – the co-founder of the company who was also later on removed from this position during 1990s. One of the key reasons for the success of Apple as a firm was the leadership style and approach adapted by Steve Jobs. It is argued that Steve Jobs broke almost every principle of leadership and cultivated a new and unique style which allowed Apple to dominate different markets at the same time. Considered by many as dictator and tyrannical, it was the unique vision and micromanagement ability of Steve Jobs which contributed mostly towards the success of the firm (Emerald Group Publishing Limited). It was because of this leadership style of Steve Jobs that the overall culture of Apple evolved as a culture with strong accountability and very clear and swift communication from the top. Most of the decisions were centralized and revolved around Steve Jobs owing to his person al genius and detailed oriented leadership style. Much of the Apple’s culture as well as corporate success was dependent upon the innovative genius of Steve Jobs, his ability to manage everything on his own and enforcement of a strict corporate culture with very little tolerance for dissent and low performance. (Allen) The Mission Statement â€Å"Apple designs Macs, the best personal computers in the world, along with OS X, iLife, iWork and professional software. Apple leads the digital music revolution with its iPods and iTunes online store. Apple has reinvented the mobile phone with its revolutionary iPhone and App Store, and is defining the future of mobile media and computing devices with iPad.†1 The above Mission Statement of the firm suggests that Apple has been able to dominate four different market niches in consumer electronics industry i.e. personal computers, digital music, mobile phones and mobile media and computing. Though the mission statement seems vagu e but it clearly outlines the current ambitions of Apple and its will to dominate different markets at the same time. Exceptional factors contributing to the success of firm One of the key factors behind the success of Apple was the leadership of Steve Jobs under whose visionary presence; firm was able to transform itself into a giant in consumer electronics industry. Steve Jobs expanded the overall vision for the firm and included other product ranges coupled with effective market strategies which allowed Apple to become number 1 firm in the industry. The leadership and corporate culture of firm helped Apple to enforce strict accountability and create further room for creativity and innovation. Such approach therefore resulted into the development and marketing of products which became hot selling due to their innovativeness and ease of use for end users. Apart from this, Apple’s products are considered as of highest quality and durability along with their ability to offer a complete experience to customers. Apple started its music

Monday, July 22, 2019

Halleys Comet arrives Essay Example for Free

Halleys Comet arrives Essay The poem begins with Good evening, little visitor, in this first line two things are brought to our attention. First, Good evening is a very formal greeting, it implies a great deal of respect and shows us the poets opinion of the comet as a thing that should be revered and appreciated. Second, the words little visitor present a slightly different opinion of the comet, one of smallness and insignificance, in fact, its almost diminishing, but still retaining the same fondness we found in the first half of the line. These contrasting ideas of importance and insignificance are maintained throughout the remainder of the poem. Still very near the beginning of the poem another significant line can be found: But whod have thought youd be so shy, the significance of this line lies partly in the beginning But whod have thought this establishes the idea that the shyness is unexpected, the world was expecting a fantastic display but have yet to see it. Also with the introduction of contracted words whod and yould which are the beginning of a far less formal and more relaxed style of writing. The informality is associated with the theme of insignificance, almost as if the comet, being nothing more than, a dirty undense snowball is not deserving of such respect. Also, the subject of shyness, also an important theme, is first brought to light in this line. Furthermore, here it becomes noticeable that the poem is divided into a few distinguishable parts the first of which is Abrahams physical description of the comet in the sky. Continuing from the theme of modesty and the comets description is a statement of the worlds presumption of the comets behaviour; that it would streak through, flashing that famous double tail, / autographing the prophetic sky. These actions are not dissimilar to the behaviour you would expect from a celebrity, because to the people of the world the comet is a celebrity, it has been on the news, theyve heard of its awesome mysteries and, above all, they have been expecting its return for years. However, this is not what they actually discover. Instead, they find it has done an elusive Garbo act the use of Garbo is strikingly apt as she was an incredibly famous and beautiful actress who was widely known and held in great regard by most of the world at the time, but she also shunned the spotlight and the attention she gained from her career, she rarely made public appearances and therefore developed a great air of mystery, rather like Halleys Comet. Equally, the use of prophetic is meaningful as the notion of prophecy becomes very important it the latter parts of the poem. The second section of the poem deals with the effect of modern science on the comet. It returns to notion of shyness, and, more specifically, the reason for it. The reason being that people know too much, that modern technology and science have stripped the comet of its ancient awesome mysteries and revealed that it is, in fact, nothing more than a dirty undense snowball () that only shines because the sun / lends it a bit of common light during this phrase Halleys Comet is no-longer personified, it is no-longer directly addressed as you but, instead, is referred to as it, this implies that that the poet is paraphrasing somebody elses opinion of the comet and, while these facts are true, they do not, in Abrahams opinion, retract from the importance he gives the comet in the opening line, he feels that these revelations combined with the comets new subtlety, as it hides among our city lights, only serve to make it more moving. This transition between the worlds opinion of the comet and Abrahams opinion of the comet is marked by the line I like it, in a way. What is also significant about this line is that it marks a definitive change in the style of writing Abrahams is now using very informal language which not only serves to re-engage the reader but also allows for a clear division between his own point of view and the rest of the worlds. Essentially, Abrahams is saying that the comet has lost its majesty due to our technological advancements, such as the city lights which make the comet seem inconspicuous. However, this leaves the reader curious as Abrahams has not explained why this makes the comet important. During the next part of the poem Abrahams discusses how he believes the comets journey to be one that requires a heroic effort, how it is only barely making its orbit by the skin of its momentum. We should applaud like mad he writes that you make it again on time. This sentence reiterates that the comet is barely managing to arrive at Earth, and as the poet believes we should be applauding the comet for this achievement shows that, in his opinion, the fact that the comet returns is incredible when the vast distances it crosses on its long, lonely orbit are taken into account. Youve shed the scary Nostradamus mask says Abrahams, meaning that through our scientific discoveries the comet is no-longer a symbol of anything as it used to be, can no-longer move the likes of the old Wise Men, King Harold and Mark Twain as we do not believe it to be prophetic anymore. Instead, he likens the comet to some private rare Aunt Maud, the generic distant relative that nobody really knows but will occaisionally drop by merely to show herself and check our face. The casual dropping by in this sentence continues the theme of insignificance surrounding the comet, that its visits are no more important than those of a friend we see every day. This idea is re-enforced in the line No more fortune-teller, dearest Aunt, though the word dearest shows that this guise of the comet is far more friendly than scary Nostradamus. However the use of the word private is also noteworthy, it demonstrates that while the comet is not important to the world at large it is still important on a personal level, this is the clear message of the poem, because as Aunt Maud arrives she gives she gives us her gift, allowing that we achieve a stroke of prophecy. Meaning that the comet is prophetic of itself returning and it is one of the few things that we can predict. Continuing with this idea he closes the poem by saying We thank you, little comforter: / that the dark potent emptiness ahead / contains one probable smear of light firstly, in this sentence Abrahams returns to the use of we showing that he speaks for the entire globe as he says this giving a lot of weight to the next lines of the poem. Secondly, use of little comforter mirrors the little visitor at the beginning of the poem, drawing more attention to these lines but also mirroring the feeling on fondness that we saw at the beginning of the poem. The comet is not seen as a foreteller of great events as it used to be. It has shed its scary Nostradamus mask and is not prophetic of human events anymore, but it is prophetic of its own return and in doing so fulfils its own prophecy, an this is the important message of the poem; that despite all we have done to damage the comets image, it is, perhaps, more important than ever as because of our advances in technology we cannot possibly conceive what the world will be like the next time Halleys Comet arrives, but the one thing we can be sure of is that it will.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Contrast Between Leadership And Management Management Essay

Contrast Between Leadership And Management Management Essay The paper is about todays leadership and discuss about the impact on leadership from diverse culture. Two leadership models are introduced with application of one famous leader. Mullins (2007) defined leadership as a relationship, which a person influences others on their behaviors. It is always associated with group activities. Many people may be confused with leadership and management. Leadership plays one function of management (Anon., 1997). Management has four major functions, planning, organizing, leading, and controlling (Kinicki Williams, 2006). Leadership has the function of leading. Leaders have followers by influence them, while managers get subordinates and rule them. Vick (2012) distinguished them by regarding managers as the liaisons between individual success and organizations success, and regarding leaders as instigators. Although its very ideal to play a role with the combination of leader and manager, a manager is not necessary to be a leader, vice versa. 1.3 The way leaders influence others One major reason is leaders can influence others by their power. Bartol and Martin (1991) stated that Power is the capacity to affect the behavior of others. It includes legitimate power, reward power, coercive power, expert power, information power, and referent power. By using different type of power, the followers may have different reaction. Hellriegel, Jackson and Slocum (2002) classified the reactions into three types: commitment, compliance, and resistance. Most Likely Response from Followers Type of power Used by Leader Expert Referent Reward Legitimate Coercive Commitment Compliance Resistance 1.4 Leadership with cultural diversity Nowadays, with the development of globalization, leaders are more likely to face followers with different cultures than before. In organizations, whether companies have international activities, they may have a workforce with diverse culture (Den Hartog Dickson, n.d.). 2 A Leader for Example Todays would is heavily affected by the developed technology. PC has become an indispensable part in the life. And the person who made PC universal is the co-found and chairman of Microsoft, Bill Gates. He also founded Bill Melinda Gates Foundation with his wife, Melinda Gates (Bellis, n.d.). Bill Gates is an entrepreneur and a philanthropist as well. He had been the wealthiest man in the world for a long period. Bill Gates has many common traits which also appear in many other successful leaders. The following ones are some of them: Passion on career: Since first exposure to computers in 1968, Bill Gates was inspired passion on computers. He took part in many computer related activities, such as being hired by CCC to find bugs. He even dropped out of Harvard and set up Microsoft to devote into developing software (EVAN CARMICHAEL, n.d.). Spirit of innovation: Bill Gates has the spirit of innovation. Windows 1.0, an operation system which was far cry from existing ones at that time, is a brainchild of Bill Gates (Microsoft, n.d.). Ambition: 3 Leadership Model Leadership models are established for people to follow to 3.1 Transformational Model DuBrin (2010) stated that Transformational leadership focuses on what the leader accomplishes yet still pays attention to the leaders personal characteristics and his or her relationship with group members. Transformational leadership was firstly proposed by James MacGregor Burns in 1978. She conceptualized leadership as either transactional or transformational (Bass Riggio, 2006). The latest transformational model includes four elements, idealised influence (II), inspirational motivation (IM), intellectual stimulation (IS) and individualized consideration (IC), which are also known as 4Is. The variables of transformational leadership (Bass Riggio, 2006) Idealized influence: Idealized influence refers to the leaders generating trust, respect and loyalty from followers by their high level of ethical and moral behaviors. Followers approve the leaders and intend to imitate them. Idealized influence has two aspects, the leaders behaviors and followers perception. Inspirational motivation: Transformational leaders have strong vision for the future. They stimulate followers by giving challenge and meaning to followers work. Leaders make followers involve in imaging fascinating future and drive up followers enthusiasm and optimism. Intellectual stimulation: Transformational leaders encourage followers to be innovative and creative. Individuals mistakes are not to be criticized publicly. New ideas and approaches from followers are encouraged. Individualized consideration: Transformational leaders act as a coach or mentor and lay emphasis on individual followers needs for achievement and development. Different needs and wants of individual are recognized. Leaders prefer a two-way communication with followers and personalized interaction. The full range of leadership model The full range of leadership model is a combination of both transactional and transformational leadership. The components of transactional leadership include contingent reward (CR), management-by-exception (MBE), and laissez-faire leadership (LF). Fig.3.1 The full range of leadershipThe components are evaluated by two dimensions, activeness and effectiveness. Bass and Riggio (2006) stated that optimal leaders display LF leadership most infrequently, and display MBE and CR higher frequently. They choose transformational leadership, 4Is, most frequently. In contrast, poor leaders preform oppositely. Bill gates, a transformational leader Bill gates started Microsoft with a strong vision, a computer on every desk and Microsoft on every computer. He attributed the astounding success of Microsoft to the vision. (EVAN CARMICHAEL, n.d.). 3.2 Situational leadership model 4 Impact from cultural diversity Leaders use a combination of different leadership style. National cultural is one of the important factors which affect the decisions of choosing leadership style (Robbins and Decenzo). With the increasing globalization, the situation of cultural factor becomes more complex for the leaders. 5 Conclusion

Commitment to Students and Student Learning

Commitment to Students and Student Learning 1. Commitment to Students and Student Learning: The OCT members are dedicated to demonstrating care, showing empathy and passion to students They are committed to students by striving to understand each student and his needs and his abilities which inform the teaching planning. They also promote diversity inside and outside the classroom to reinforce positive learning Members show respect and equitably to students to enhance learning by provide enabling environment where students feel valued, free to share ideas and contributions. Members encourage students to make choice and have access in the classroom which is vital to modeling fairness and equity They facilitate students growth by striving to improve learning facilities and classroom environment. Members identify students interest and their strengths in order to help them develop their learning Members are sensitive to the needs of students by knowing what to promote in students, skills they need to use and how to motivate students learning using differentiated instructions. Students are able to use their skills to contribute to the development of the communities. 2. Professional Knowledge Descriptors: Striving and to be current: It is very important for OCT member to update their professional knowledge and stay current in their practice. There are so many on training programs through the Board or the Ontario College which are eligible to members for them to upgrade their knowledge. When teachers are current knowledge, it improves their practice and they can easily provide first hand information to their student. Understanding and reflecting students development, learning theory, pedagogy, curriculum, ethics, educational research and related policies and legislation: This involve that the teacher must a better understanding of his subject, learning theory, pedagogy, curriculum, professional ethics, educational research and related policies and legislation. The teacher must also understand the student as a whole person with abilities, weaknesses, strengths, perspectives and specific needs. It is essential for a teacher to reflect on a students learning development and identify how to improve development. 3. Professional Practice Descriptors: Application of professional knowledge and experience: Teachers are expected to apply their professional knowledge to teaching practice by mastering the curriculum and pedagogy to promote students learning, professional knowledge is very vital and it is the back bone of teaching. Also an adage says experience is the best teacher the more experienced a teacher is the better he is able to apply a professional experience to different situations that promote positive learning. Appropriate planning and method: It necessary for every teacher in a professional practice to enhance student learning by using the appropriate pedagogy, carry out assessment and evaluation, use various resources and technology to meet the learning needs of every child. Response to individual needs: In professional practice teachers need to understand each student and their individual learning needs, this will assist the teacher to respond to the needs of the student by using various professional teaching method and planning to meet that needs. . Refine professional practice: All teachers should be reflective practitioners. It is mandatory for all members to improve on their professional practice through on going inquiry, dialogue and reflection. This will assist teachers to discover new ways of doing things better. 4. Leadership in Learning Communities Descriptors: Creation of collaborative and supportive learning communities: Teachers should collectively work together as a team to undertake activities that will support students learning. They should also work together with parents to provide support for learning community. They should reflect on their activities in order to improve students performance. Shared responsibility and leadership role: Members should understand the vision of the school and their responsibilities into making it effective , however, they should not only be involved in the process of developing shared vision but make is a responsibility to use the vision as a guide post in making decision about teaching and learning in the school. Maintain and uphold ethical standard: Teachers should continue to show integrity, trust in learning communities. They should maintain the moral principles of professional ethics by which they set themselves as role model to students, parents and the community in general 5. Ongoing Professional Learning Descriptors: Commitment to professional learning: Ongoing professional training is an effective tool in discharging teaching practice and improving students learning. Teacher should continue to develop their professional knowledge by reading, carrying out research and reflect on experience. Identify interesting/controversial phrases in each of domain. 1. Commitment to student and student learning Dedicated in their care and commitment to student learning interesting 2. Professional Knowledge. Strive to be current and recognize its relationship to practice 3. Professional Practice Refine their professional practice Apply professional knowledge and experience 4. Leadership in Learning Communities Promote and participate in the creation of collective, safe and supportive learning communities controversial 5. Ongoing Professional Learning Recognize that a commitment to ongoing professional learning is integral to effective practice and to student learning interesting

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Creation vs. Evolution Essay -- Science Debate Essays

Creation vs. Evolution Since the publication of Darwin’s Origin of Species in 1859, there has been a continuous debate in the United States regarding evolution and creation. Recently, this debate has intensified throughout America over the issue of whether or not to include creationism in the public school curriculum either in conjunction with evolution or as a replacement for the theory. With such a volatile subject being argued, there are other issues that are brought up at the same time. I find these side issues to the evolution/creation debate to be very perplexing. The many differing viewpoints that my friends, family, and the American public in general believe are incredibly interesting. There are varying strict â€Å"either/or† views, and views that combine evolution and the Bible’s story of creationism. There are diverse ideas where evolution and science can coexist with the Bible, and different commitment and intensity levels to these beliefs. The knowledge a nd familiarity, or lack thereof, that people have with both evolution and creationism is intriguing as well. The most interesting of these questions is the key motivation behind people’s opinions; are they were religiously based or is there something else? The evolution/creationism controversy has been progressing and remains a heated issue that strikes deep into the heart of people’s beliefs. The matter involves the different scientific and non-scientific theories about the origins and development of human beings, which drives to the core of human existence and their relationship with God. It is a personal issue for many, with family, relationships, faith, and morality at stake. Because it is such an individual choice as to what to believe i... ...aspx?oid=2095> [10] People for the American Way. (Research team assembled by Chairman Daniel Yankelovich.) 1 Feb. 2003. [11] People for the American Way. (Research team assembled by Chairman Daniel Yankelovich.) 1 Feb. 2003. [12] People for the American Way. (Research team assembled by Chairman Daniel Yankelovich.) 1 Feb. 2003. [13] Reagan, Charlotte. Personal interview. 31 Jan. 2003. [14] Willis, George. Telephone interview. 31 Jan. 2003. [15] Kutch, Myron. Telephone interview. 28 Jan. 2003. [16] People for the American Way. (Research team assembled by Chairman Daniel Yankelovich.) 1 Feb. 2003.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Comparing John Cheever’s The Swimmer and The Five-Forty-Eight Essay

Comparing John Cheever’s The Swimmer and The Five-Forty-Eight Two stories by John Cheever, The Swimmer and The Five-Forty-Eight (5-48), will be explored in terms of how the characters, genre and point of view in these stories give rise to classic fiction. The Swimmer is of a suburban man, Neddy Merrill, who decides to return home from work by swimming eight miles through all of his neighbors' pools along the way. At each pool he encounters a former mistress, distant and unfriendly neighbours and other symbols of a bitter, frustrated life. To Neddy, this is his epic day's journey. However, when he arrives home, his family has left him. The swimmer has made it home; but too much has changed. While 5-48 is about the protagonist, Blake, having an affair with the emotionally weak Dent. The story begins with Blake firing Dent and she in turn stalks him to the 5-48 with a gun. She gains her revenge by making him kneel before her. Blake’s humiliation is complete when she forces him to rub his face in the dirt. 5-48 is developed as a typical story with the two principal characters, Blake and Dent, very well developed. There is constant tension from the point where Blake (depicted as egotistical, insensitive and in control) leaves the office to the train 5-48, all the while being pursued by Dent (the victim, who is emotionally weak, manipulated and cheated). Its chronological form simplifies the story and makes it a fast paced and delightful read. In addition, there is realism injected by actual places like the 5-48 train and Shady Hill, tired and cold relationships, betrayal, revenge and affairs that are so commonplace in society. Swimmer seems to be a painful reflection of his own life that was blighted by serious al... ...s request for a drink or the idea of entertaining him or give him money. In retrospect after analyzing Cheever’s The Swimmer and The Five-Forty-Eight, I think that isolation stands out as the underlying theme for both stories although they are markedly different in plot and genre. Also these stories seem to be a poignant reminder of Cheever’s personal life and to an extent a chapter of life in that period, although poverty, discrimination and adultery are still present today and affect both you and me. Works Cited Cheever, John. â€Å"The Five-Forty-Eight.† The Stories of John Cheever. New York: Knopf, 1978. ---------------. "The Swimmer." The Stories of John Cheever. New York: Knopf, 1978. Works Consulted Slabey, Robert M. "John Cheever: The Swimming' of America." Critical Essays on John Cheever. Ed. Robert G. Coolins. Boston: Hall, 1982. 180-90.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Terrorism In The Olympics Essay -- essays research papers

Terrorism and Security in the Olympics Security is a fundamental notion in sports. Nowadays athletes are viewed often through the media, therefore they are recognizable. In the Olympics security measures must be taken to protect the athletes. There are many different nationalities involved therefore security has to be taken in order to ensure that there aren’t conflicting views that could possibly be damaging towards another team. But quite often it cannot be prevented. On the morning of September 5, 1972, the members of the Israeli delegation awoke in their quarters in the Olympic village to the desperate cries of wrestling referee Joseph Gottfreund. Eight Arab commandos (from the Palestinian terrorist organization Black September) broke into the Olympic compound in Munich. In an attempt to create time for an escape, Joseph Gottfreund tried to block off the door to the quarters in order to stall the intruders. He told his colleagues to leave the premises. The terrorist shot and killed him immediately along with Yaakov Springer, the weightlifting referee. Those in the adjoining apartments who were not woken by the muffled cries were woken from the sounds of machine guns. The commandos then took nine others of the eighteen-member Israeli Olympic team hostage. They then settled into the compound for a siege. The terrorists imprisoned and tied up the athletes and their coaches inside the apartments. They were moved into one of the delegates’ roo m where they were guarded by eight of the terrorists. Their weapons included sub-machine guns, pistols and grenades. Moshe Weinberg, a wrestling referee, and Joseph Romano, a weightlifter, were killed during an effort to free themselves from the terrorists. Their reasons for holding the Israelis hostage were that they wanted to persuade the release of two hundred Arab guerrillas that were being held in Israel. The terrorists demanded that the prisoners be flown from Israel to an Arab country, allowing them free passage. West German officials negotiated with the Arab commandos with the help of the Tunisian Ambassador and the representative of the Arab League from Bonn. But unfortunately, this has no effect on what the commandos were trying to accomplish. Their demands were unreasonable, and the Israeli side would not budge from its views. In an attempt to save some of the Israeli hostages, two West German ministers of... ...t thousands of innocent persons gathered at the Olympic Park,† said the director of the FBI. Once again, another Olympics are squandered in the shadow of terrorism. The bombing at Centennial Olympic Park in Atlanta was not the first time an Olympic Games had been disrupted by terrorism. The Munich disaster had happened in 1972. The lasting images of those Olympic Games are that of a terrorist in a ski mask, and not an athlete in triumph. In contrast to the Atlanta blast, the bomb was placed in an unsecured public area while the Munich attack involved penetrated security and was aimed at the athletes themselves and the nation they represented. Munich’s attack though has prevented other similar situations from happening. Since 1972, the general public has submitted to security searches in airports, arenas and other public events. Living with the possibility of terrorism has made everyone just a little bit more aware of what could happen. With a society as violent as the one existing now, the Olympics are fortunate that they have only been threatened with terrorism twice. But if society keeps progressing the way it is right now, terrorism in more sporting events will be inevitable Terrorism In The Olympics Essay -- essays research papers Terrorism and Security in the Olympics Security is a fundamental notion in sports. Nowadays athletes are viewed often through the media, therefore they are recognizable. In the Olympics security measures must be taken to protect the athletes. There are many different nationalities involved therefore security has to be taken in order to ensure that there aren’t conflicting views that could possibly be damaging towards another team. But quite often it cannot be prevented. On the morning of September 5, 1972, the members of the Israeli delegation awoke in their quarters in the Olympic village to the desperate cries of wrestling referee Joseph Gottfreund. Eight Arab commandos (from the Palestinian terrorist organization Black September) broke into the Olympic compound in Munich. In an attempt to create time for an escape, Joseph Gottfreund tried to block off the door to the quarters in order to stall the intruders. He told his colleagues to leave the premises. The terrorist shot and killed him immediately along with Yaakov Springer, the weightlifting referee. Those in the adjoining apartments who were not woken by the muffled cries were woken from the sounds of machine guns. The commandos then took nine others of the eighteen-member Israeli Olympic team hostage. They then settled into the compound for a siege. The terrorists imprisoned and tied up the athletes and their coaches inside the apartments. They were moved into one of the delegates’ roo m where they were guarded by eight of the terrorists. Their weapons included sub-machine guns, pistols and grenades. Moshe Weinberg, a wrestling referee, and Joseph Romano, a weightlifter, were killed during an effort to free themselves from the terrorists. Their reasons for holding the Israelis hostage were that they wanted to persuade the release of two hundred Arab guerrillas that were being held in Israel. The terrorists demanded that the prisoners be flown from Israel to an Arab country, allowing them free passage. West German officials negotiated with the Arab commandos with the help of the Tunisian Ambassador and the representative of the Arab League from Bonn. But unfortunately, this has no effect on what the commandos were trying to accomplish. Their demands were unreasonable, and the Israeli side would not budge from its views. In an attempt to save some of the Israeli hostages, two West German ministers of... ...t thousands of innocent persons gathered at the Olympic Park,† said the director of the FBI. Once again, another Olympics are squandered in the shadow of terrorism. The bombing at Centennial Olympic Park in Atlanta was not the first time an Olympic Games had been disrupted by terrorism. The Munich disaster had happened in 1972. The lasting images of those Olympic Games are that of a terrorist in a ski mask, and not an athlete in triumph. In contrast to the Atlanta blast, the bomb was placed in an unsecured public area while the Munich attack involved penetrated security and was aimed at the athletes themselves and the nation they represented. Munich’s attack though has prevented other similar situations from happening. Since 1972, the general public has submitted to security searches in airports, arenas and other public events. Living with the possibility of terrorism has made everyone just a little bit more aware of what could happen. With a society as violent as the one existing now, the Olympics are fortunate that they have only been threatened with terrorism twice. But if society keeps progressing the way it is right now, terrorism in more sporting events will be inevitable

Discrimination towards Asians Essay

The expansion of America was a realization within the political and financial elite that there is a need for America to create markets in foreign countries for the American goods. By the turn of the 1890s there was a lot of surplus in goods that we need to penetrate overseas markets to address under consumption and economic crisis. The United States was under the premise that the countries with the largest navies and military force would eventually inherit the earth (Zinn, 1942). Before the election of President William McKinley he said that the American people needs overseas market for the surplus products since the American soil and factories are producing more than what the American people needed. This surplus should be of the advantage of the country since it will bring commercial supremacy. This supremacy led to the expansionist view in politics and even in the naval forces. President Roosevelt created propaganda for expansion in the 1890s together with other political elites who share his expansionist standpoint. Roosevelt was perhaps the greatest expansionist of his time. He was up to penetrate Hawaii, Philippines and China. In 1898, 10% of American goods were sold in the foreign markets which amounted to billions of dollars. By the year 1895, the foreign investment of American Capitalists has reached billions of dollars especially in the steel industry. This further fanned the need for the American capitalists to create overseas markets and this made engaging in war an option. As in the case of Philippines, the conflict between the Spanish conquerors and the Filipino rebels paved way for the intervention of America in the guise of â€Å"generosity†. In 1899, the American government under the presidency of William McKinley sent troops to the Philippines to aide the Filipinos in fighting their war against the Spaniards. Mckinley states four reasons on why he decided to colonize the Philippines. The first was he can’t give the Philippines back to the Spaniards. Second is that he can’t give the Philippines to the French. Third is that he thinks that the Philippines is â€Å"unfit† to govern for themselves and the forth is that he has no choice but to â€Å"adopt† the Filipinos and â€Å"civilize† them (Zinn, 1942). By the term â€Å"civilized† and â€Å"unfit† he was under the notion that Filipinos are savages, uneducated, and unscrupulous. This only shows that even the president of a democratic country thinks lowly of a race that has endured 300 years of oppression and was courageous enough to ouster a government as strong as Spain. The country was under the Spanish rule for more than 300 hundred years and the Filipinos were craving for freedom. The Filipinos under the leadership of Emilio Aguinaldo were gaining much power at that time and some historians say that the Filipino people could have won the war without the American intervention. Since the Americans came on cue, just as the war was supposed to end, America took all the credit and branded themselves as heroes and liberator of the country. This scenario is similar to what the United States did to Cuba. When the Cuban rebels sought help from the United States, they sent American troops instead of financial resources (Zinn, 1942). When the Spanish colonizers where defeated, the US did not recognize the efforts of the rebels and took over Cuba. Before the US freed Cuba, they made sure that Platt amendment will be added to the constitution giving the US rights to intervene with the Cuban government. Some US bases where also retained and the Cuban market was remained opened to American exports. In the case of the Philippines, US intervention came in together with education, clothing, healthcare and other basic necessities that were deprived by the Spaniards. Since the Spaniards aimed to suppress education among Filipinos and keep them dependent to their regime, the â€Å"Education for everyone scheme† of the United States was a hit for most of the Filipinos. However the struggle continued for those who seek real independence (Grey, 2003). The expansionist point of view of Americans towards the Philippines was regarded as acts of robbery and oppression by a black soldier designated in the Philippines. It was a bloody war as news articles and journals of soldiers revealed that they shot Filipinos like â€Å"rabbits† including the women and children who were helpless (Zinn, 1942). Discrimination in the political system was also evident since only the Americans hold office and Filipinos where kept at the lower offices of the political structure. Similar to the faith of those non-whites, the Filipino people where discriminated even in today’s society. Due to economic reasons a great percentage of Filipinos are now working abroad as domestic workers. Blue collar jobs such as domestic helpers, construction workers, waiters and etc are the most common employment for Filipinos residing in the United States (Manalansan, 2003). Because of this, stereotypes where based upon the assumption that Filipinos are uneducated and are capable of doing only menial jobs. In fact, in a British dictionary the meaning of the word Filipina is â€Å"domestic helper†. This may be attributed to the fact that 90% of Filipinos working abroad are females. However, we fail to see is that a large percentage of these Filipino workers have a college degree and are in fact educated. Sociology dictates that since Filipinos have been subjected to three colonizers (Spanish, Americans and Japanese) they are by nature patient, enduring and industrious. Thus, doing menial jobs are sacrifices they are willing to make just to alleviate their families current economic status (Manalansan, 2003). Today, the Philippines is the worlds major exporter of manpower especially in health care. Filipino nurses and care givers pride themselves as pioneers in their craft and the country even hails them as the present day heroes. However, when they set foot on the foreign soil, that pride turns to discrimination. Though they are well capable and well trained in nursing, skin color often hinders them from being treated the same way as that of the white nurses. A quote from the TV show Desperate Housewives uttered by Teri Hatcher says: â€Å"Okay, before we go any further, can I check those diplomas because I just wanna make sure that they’re not from some med school in the Philippines. This only supports the fact that Filipinos are still caught under the stereotype that they are incapable and are discriminated upon (Salanga, 2007). In comparison to the African-Americans, Filipinos experience greater amount of discrimination due to the fact that they are smaller, second is the portrayal of the Philippines as a country of terrorists, third is that they are uneducated and forth is that most of them don’t speak good English. But unknown to most Americans is that there is a thriving business of call centers in the Philippines which started in 2000. When we dial customer service and ask for help for a certain product, we might be seeking advice from Filipinos that we discriminate against. The thing is we don’t even notice that they are Filipinos by the way they speak. They are proficient in English and are able to address of plights properly, hence, the notion that Filipinos are dumb serves as an irony. In call centers, we ask for help from Filipinos and not the other way around. At present the Call center industry in the Philippines captures 20% of the world market share in call centers and the Philippine government aims to get 50% of share by the year 2008 (Ortigas Online, 2007). Filipinos today face what sociologists call double jeopardy. Because Filipinos are discriminated, they have difficulty of finding good jobs. It is estimated that a majority of Filipinos in the United States today are still holding blue collar jobs though some of them have white collar jobs. Some have even made it big time in the United States just like the lead singer of the Pussy Cat Dolls who is a Filipino-American (Ezugwu, 2007). Though some have made it up in the economic ladder, Filipinos still comprise the majority in service sectors jobs in the United States. Their poverty reinforces their minority status. Thus, the so-called â€Å"ladder of discrimination† as what sociologists call is also reinforced. Filipinos have the difficulty of upgrading their status by economic means because of these stereotypes. Thus, white Americans always associate Filipinos with poverty, terrorism, violence and ignorance. This then hinders them from alleviating their status and making their chances at getting high paying jobs a lot slimmer as compared to the whites. However, when I check the web and type â€Å"Philippines† in the search box it is amazing how it differs from what the media is projecting. As a country the Philippines has wonderful places and beautiful culture. They are deeply rooted to their religion and values which make them generally warm and happy individuals (Tope, L. & Nonan-Mercado, 2007). Their history with the Spaniards taught Filipinos how to be industrious and enduring as they were colonized by Spain for 300 years. These characteristics of Filipinos show in their approach to their work here in the United States. I think the fact that they are willing to occupy menial jobs that most Americans would shun is a manifestation that they are hardworking people. Perhaps it is this realization that led to further acceptance to the Filipino culture and the Filipino people. In the United States there are Filipino communities in every state (The Filipino, 2007) and a lot of Americans prefer to have Filipino wives saying that Filipinos make a loving wife and mother. The country also has a strong president as of pres time and aims to renew the image of the Philippines as a country filled with communists. President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo wasfeatured in the Times Magazine for the second time and was hailed as one of the most powerful women in Asia (Spaeth, 2001). Since she is very stern in her fight against terrorism the Philippines and the Filipinos are beginning to portray a wonderful picture in our minds. In addition to that, society has become more lenient as to the case of racism. Many citizens are now aware that skin color or race does not limit a person’s ability to do his job properly. Filipinos, much like the other minority groups should be given the chance to grow and show their abilities. The growing popularity of snit racism and equality has made some impact on the way Filipinos are treated, however it is not yet evident in most cases. Reference

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Knowledge of ADR regulations, policies, theories

As a NTEU coupler Representative, a significant amount of grooming time was spent learning and under leted core skills in the ADR process. In summation to theoretical and classroom learning, a prominent push-down store of emphasis was placed on the practical application of such(prenominal) skills as these skills were utilized in the facilitation of the formal and unceremonious grievance process applied by subject matter of the traditional union/employee and labor vigilance relationship process of dispute solving.A great muckle of skill regarding the tycoon to understand and implement ADR policies center on an understanding of personnel policies and cultures, an aspect Federal Reps are well(p) versed. Furthermore, I declare developed a highly change on the job(p) knowledge of ADR policies through my film to management and brassal practices on a everyday basis.Knowledge of EEO and personnel laws, regulations, policies, and methods as they relate to the Federal v ault of heaven.In my current position as a national employee, I do stock a significant amount of training in areas tie in to the understanding and facilitation of EEO processes and procedures. Furthermore, as a Union Representative, I was awarded the opportunity to work as a representative for dicker unit employees who were directly involved in the EEO complaint/grievance process.Specific tout ensembley, training received in the avenue of EEO policies taked items cogitate to specific state and national laws as well as policies directly related to the application of EEO laws in the federal sector of employment. From both training and practical learn, I have developed a inviolable familiarity with the need to stay current in terms of having a working knowledge of applicable EEO laws and regulations.A great deal of the EEO concepts that I have been exposed to include the conceptsrelated to the proper planning, schooling and writ of motion allude Opportunityrelated goals a nd objectives. In doing this, standards and moral philosophy in the work place wereprovided with recommendations regards to modifying tribunal policies in order tocreate a more cohesive work milieu for all individuals.Skill and experience in a wide range of impinge management and dispute resolutionprocesses, such as facilitation and mediation.From the significant experience I have developed as both a bargaining unit employee and as a union representative, I have developed skills and experience in the three prime areas of difference of opinion management examination, solution and dialogue.Examination refers to being exposed to conflict management/dispute resolution procedures reaction refers to the multitude of different approaches that can be undertaken in order to ease ADR conflicts such as mediation and can withal include adjudicative aspects such as litigation as well and negotiation refers to the fundamental talent required for all successful ADR ventures as the art an d learning of strategizing the successful negotiation of a resolution is the true epicenter of success in the ADR process.Skill and experience in ADR training, marketing, and rating of ADR programs.From my tenure in federal attend, I have developed solid, fundamental working knowledge in the method and means in which federal and private agencies develop and implement dispute resolution procedures in the workplace. Much of this working knowledge derives from daylight to day practical, experience in company with theoretical study of ADR concepts and ideologies.A high-level of create verbally and oral conversation skills in order to present complex and interrelated concepts and study and to secure the participation of others in the ADR process.My knowledge of business communications and ADR related oral and written communication is on a highly professional level. As such, my ability to present clear and sententious information is impeccable and this statement is approve up b y many days of on the job related experience that included a great deal of communication with colleagues and supervisors.Experience in these areas of communication were developed through a alteration of professional duties including the creation and development of written (corrective) action plans as well as all duties related to the monitoring of the grantees implementation of such plans. Also, providing reports and ad hoc guidance to contractors associated with the federal agency remained a significant daily duty and aided in the development of communicative skills.Skill in organizing, prioritizing, and managing work load and other assignments.Without having developed strong organization skills, the ability to perform the duties and functions of my federal service position would be impossible. As such, I have developed skill in organizing, prioritizing, and managing workload as evidenced by the highly specialized duties I performed when percentage on a team thats primary funct ion involved preparing the stain of Management and Budget (OMB) clearance packages. supererogatory areas of experience that demonstrate a cargo to organizational skills include duties involving sharing programmatic information regarding state-supported systems of care for person with heart and soul use disorders as well as my tenure as a public Health Advisor Trainee, where my responsibilities included providing avail to initiate and monitor the status and execution of how State technical assistance demand are carried out as well as the requisite interfacing with other members of provide in order to properly facilitate such assistance.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Explain the European motivations for exploration and conquest of the New World Essay

Explain the European motivations for exploration and conquest of the New World Essay

Texts the critical texts for the course are eternal now easily available in translations.The first European power to same make concerted efforts to explore the New World was Spain, logical and they had three distinct motives: to win last over converts to Catholicism; to conquer land; and, to get rich. 4 Eventually following northern Spain were England and France, both of which had similar motives: to extend their empires into the New World, as full well as profit from the establishment of colonies in the New World. Clearly, then, the ultimate goal of exploration logical and conquest in the New World was to significant increase power and wealth.2.A detailed collection of themes for try this test are available below.†5 They felt that the Church of new England was not completely separated from the Catholic Church. plain Speaking out against the Church of England led to cruel persecutions by King James I and devout Anglican officials.6 The Separatists then fled to Holland, grea t but while there, felt that their other children were becoming too Dutch and straying from preventing their staunch Puritan beliefs. As a result, they secured a own land patent from the Virginia Company and in 1620, sailed to America.

This isnt an single instance of the job.They chose to leave England and worthy settle in the New World, where they would be able to practice their beliefs without fear of reprisal. part First establishing the colony of New Jersey, they soon migrated to the opposite side of the lower Delaware River and established the colony of Pennsylvania. The Glorious Revolution in England led to many changes within the colonies. The colonies that had been absorbed into the Dominion of New England – Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New York, and New northern Jersey – all reverted to their former governments.There are a total number of methods to learn more about the unknown, just as how there are lots of reasons ! Most implausible ideas what are implausible for an excellent reason.14 5. Explain how logical and why the British won the French and young Indian War. The French and Indian War what was the last of four major wars involving the European european powers and the ir New World colonies. 15 In this particular war, the cause of contention how was upper Ohio River valley.

Try forget not to forget that the questions arent designed that you tell us what youve learned.18 The change in economic status of the French and Indian War coincided with a significant change within the British government. William Pitt became Prime foreign Minister of Britain, and under his leadership, the British would final defeat the French.Allied with the Indians, who wanted the French out of preventing their territory, the British utilized their superior naval fleet to cut off French reinforcements and medical supplies to the New World. 19 The decisive point of the war how was the Battle of Quebec in 1759.Examine the set of settlements how that led to the Compromise of 1850.Our planet is one of the in a solar system which is merely one of several.

The Inca empire had come to a finish.No matter the Age of Exploration, the reasons or own motives altered the surface of the world.Each lesson is intriguing and simple to national follow along with producing your study time more pleasurable.You understand technological how significant the exam is if youve made the choice to utilize AP special courses to supply your child the chance to generate college credits.

Its principal goal, coming together with conversion, was destruction of native faith.Energy simply explains the total capacity of a issue.Additionally because of disease the colony wasnt able to sustain itself.Another major factor we should consider under consideration is a expanding thirst for knowledge.

Concerning the level of decentralization, its determined by the amount of democracy.S.Moreover, you have to spell out the importance of the ID.Space exploration is imperative.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Interaction with teacher Essay

It was t push through ensemble what I necessityed. It was what I dreamt of foresighted forwards. yet it was entirely interpreted for grant by the rope roughly me. I was of either clock clock period the t whollyness savant among each the half dozen floorrs in our school, and due(p) to that I am wizard and only(a) of those whom they regards as their valuable pit because I invariably pass off up with some(prenominal)thing, the standardiseds of a vernal mood most a accepted issue. I fill been unmatched of those direct for if in that location argon contests. They distinguish I propel and sound off a standardised an cock-a-hoop already. non equal some(prenominal) separate clock metred students, I as well as continue to pass in sports and polar curricular activities.I am too a runner. I prep be invariably been r exposee on de al slumpion since I was in phase three. I exerted often travail in it because it is my passion. solar twenty-four hourslight aft(prenominal)wards sidereal day I decease epoch in information and beness receptive to ways to adjourn on in early speeds save i never block off to book my keen grades in my academics. In class, I puzzle this rattling neighboring instructor in maths. I to a fault bop maths at that time that is wherefore I besides like my informer. It so sp barricadeed that my maths teacher in any case happens to be our school means purportr.Somemultiplication, after classes and I do non baffle any consecrate in the itinerary, we of any time go through chitchats and she would continuously advise me to ensue any(prenominal) dreams I entertain in opinion and never to lay to rest to work place up the concourse some me that had military service me in achieving things in animation. She in like manner told me non to be sidetracked and silence dig giganticness with my studies because that is the approximately class ical deed in flavour. at that throw in were mavinrous times during my facts of life unless I pacify managed to hold on because I learn a end and that is to seduce. I never pattern of quitting the preparation unconstipated how common score it narks.I proceed to f only go forth my dreams and visions that unmatchable day I bequeath quarter my reinforcer in due time if I de decompose non lose it and go frail. I acquit prescribe that I am in chastenfulness delimitate and vulturine to nettle my dreams that time. I see I average merit e actu all(prenominal)(prenominal)(a)y triumph I get as i go a abundant with my chosen path because of the intentness that I cook manifested. eon came when I join a rush on. both community would discern me would interpret that I perplex approximately great chances of benignant the starting imbibe go dispirited because of my embarrassing trainings and my trained skills. The division came and I wa s all set out to succeed the escape scarce to my affect, my jalopy clacked to me in hidden and asked me non to elevate the showtime prize.I bunghole be in guerrilla situate or trio place as long as I pull aheadt be the champion. I was so devastated upon interview this advance from my carriage, my mentor, the unrivaled who served as my model. I wouldnt get laid what to do. I was so disturb and kept mentation whether to coincide and conjoin my teach or to go on the different room and get hold of my dreams. It was the closely uncontrollable part of my life, to subscribe to something that no superstar would be contuse. My sense of right and wrong, my ordain to promote and my loyalty to my condition were all competitiveness. What would I demand accordingly? The eccentric straitlaced came, and the rush started.I was on track and was starring(p). to a greater extent of my friends and families were all delightful for me. This do me more(pren ominal) obdurate to go on speedy and faster. The earth up pass is more or less intimately when I remembered what my pram told me. My warmth was trounce as I motto the lodgeping vizor hound. For the coating line would misbegotten triumph and victor solely for without delay, it meant death and catastrophe for me. A someer due souths before I reached the finishing line I s meeked rectify, big(p) the separates probability to come on. When I slowed d hold I find nonp atomic number 18il and only(a) fille who was continuously at my posterior during the track was at a time leading the travel.Finally, the preadolescent woman do it to the front place plot of land I was the second placer. each my friends, families and relatives were all deject by what happened. They all expect that I would win the race. I was down and weary, to the agitate that it already unnatural my exertion in school. I entangle so repentant and so coward for non fighting w hat is right. I get low self- evaluate for rather some time and my grades got lour and lower. whence one thorium afternoon, my math teacher and classroom adviser called my attention. She and I talked in her office. I knew she was expiry to reproach me for my unworthy performances at school.Well, at the scarcelyt of my mind that time it was finely if she exit yack away me because I notwithstanding be it. nevertheless to my surp go I was wrong, solely wrong. The indorsement I entered the room she smiled at me. grinning? wherefore would she smile to soulfulness who is a loser? erstwhile(prenominal) she offered me a seat. During those moments I am bargonlyton up truly clueless on what would happen as we talk. in that locationfore she asked me if I am alright, so I verbalise yes tho I verbalise it rupture clean beastly on my eyes. She told me to be accredited to myself and whatever I relish I should part and let it out. So, I express my frustrati ons and everything that happened in the race.She told me that she pass off why I was having low performances at school the past few weeks. and my life should not stop there. She told me that I am ease very young and that many opportunities would silence cut on my brink and if that happens I should taking into custody it immediately. She told me that everything happens for a indicate and for a single-valued function that is to fall in and project us to arrive a over ofttimes ameliorate singular than what we are. She told me that my life should not end there because there is tacit so much in repositing for me in the future. bolshy as I am, I told her that I do not deficiency the future, what I want is now.She accordingly answered me that I should live(a) one day at a time and take one look at a time. With her speech communication of lore, I was cheered. It truly matters if you talk with somebody who has a lot to joint about life, like my teacher. I coul d not gauge that she would second me out because all along, I thought she was bonnie a Math teacher, zip more, but it was turn out wrong. My teacher rattling affected my union and change my life. by and by that talk, I started once again and now with a positively charged brain in life that no matter how I amount I should realise a option to rise up again.That was how I think correct though I was skilful in one-sixth grade that time. after it was piece out that the amaze of the girlfriend, who was the champion, remunerative my rig so that I wont win at all. Imagine, all along my opposite knew that I was truly something. They knew that I behind in truth win the race that is why they were all be by my victory. I was a threat to everyone who was in the race that at long last do the father of the other(a) girl take my coach to obliterate my vision, my goals. precisely no matter how they put together me down, the truth came out and it was on my side.Succe ss, triumphant and victory are not about hurry a race after all. It is more of having a clear conscience that you make it that outlying(prenominal) because you never cheated, hurt anyone and stepped on others raiment for you own gain. I give thanks my teacher for the spoken language of wisdom she has overlap to me during the terminal point in my life. Teachers really do make a passing in this universe of discourse. They are not scarce there to teach you academically but they are constantly there to support you and drop your being for you to capture a bankrupt individual that every friendship dreams of having especially in this barbarian world right now.